Saturday, September 21, 2013

Why "most" Celebrities Suck...

    Aren't we all just a little tired of the political views of celebrities? First of all, we have these idiots running around in clothing featuring Che. Uhm.. the last time I checked this guy was a murderous tyrant. I mean, seriously you must have an IQ of 12 to even think that this guy was some kinda hero.  So why the love? Do these celebrities not know that they are a part of the very thing that Che was fighting against?  I mean,  they are seriously making themselves look like a bunch of clowns by supporting anything associated with that dead loser. No wonder the people of the socialist & communists counties think Americans are stupid. I hope your stay in North Korea was enlightening Dennis Rodman. Maybe it's time to put the crack pipe down, buddy. Or actually, you like that way of life so much,  keep puffin on that magic dragon & stay over there. Do they allow cross-dressers to live in North Korea. Or is that a firing-squad offense? 

      More clown examples? Take the treason of back stabber @JaneFonda. I literally want to puke every time I see this filthy waste of space goes on TV telling everyone how they should be more like her.  Hey, riddle me this Jane... Can you explain why every country who establishes communism never gets past the dictator stage??? You have 60 seconds... GO! Lol! Totally clueless!  There is a reason why they are always on the side of the Communist leaders in the world. DUH! They ARE commies. And I don't care if they are a RED Commie or a PINK Commie, they are still Commies! Maybe now you know where the Name @CodePink comes from? Gee people are slow to figure this out. You ever wonder why Geniuses go bat-crap crazy? My guess would be, having to share the planet with people like these. 

     @MichaelMoore really takes the cake... literally. Is it just me or is this guy is windier than a bag of farts. We need to look to Cuba for their expertise on healthcare, etc? Gee, when was the last time you saw a bunch of Cubans hop on the next outgoing inner tube from Miami to Cuba? Sorry folks its the other way around... and Cubans are STILL fleeing, risking death on the ocean just to get to the US you just don't see it on television now. It doesn't fit into the story they are trying to sell you.

      The Media are the most to blame, they have stars in their eyes when it comes to whoring after celebrities. Hey, they made their bed...
     The ridiculousness is everywhere. I recently saw a youtube clip about so-called FEMA camps, and how idiots everywhere think they are Concentration camps for US citizens who are "Vrag Noroda".  Wow even @JessieVentura actually wasted a whole episode of his brainless show about Conspiracies.  Hey dummies, those buildings are housing illegal immigrants, as they are acclimated into American Society. That's why you see playground equipment & children playing at some of them. Get with the program, illegals, & drug traffickers need a place to stay for "free".  Not free to the Taxpayer, just free to the illegals. See how that works there.
     Celebrities always want to tell the masses who they should vote for in a presidential election, etc. as if their opinion matters the tiniest bit.  Hey, celebrities,  hows the daily poo storm of cover-ups, leaks, and scandals that's going on in DC right now working for you? Wallow in it. You roll around in the poo long enough you eventually just start to smell like it. Especially if the diarrhea is constantly spewing from your ignorant mouth. So how about a little less talking and a little more, shut the hell up?


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